st Mary's - a Church school
We work closely with Rev Hannah Moore, vicar of our local church of St Mary's (above), to create a special Christian environment for your child. We welcome families of all faiths and no faith to join our caring community.
Our Parish vicar, Reverend Hannah Moore joins us weekly for a whole school assembly. Each week she reads a Bible story to the children and talks about its relevance to our every day lives. Many aspects of school life link to the four areas of focus for Christian distinctiveness.
- Assemblies
- RE Spectacular Days
- Assemblies in the church
- Weekly RE following the diocesan board programme
- School prayer book
- Banners in the classroom
- Reflection Corners linked to School values
- Prayer Sticks
- Special Services in the Church e.g. Christingle, Easter, Mother’s Day
- Prayer at the beginning of lunchtime
- Class Prayers
- Godly Play Training and sessions with the Children
- Nativity story and Scene setting in the individual classrooms.
- Dedicated Bible Verse on the Newsletter and around school
- Small groups working with the Vicar on a weekly basis
- SIAMS Inspection
- Visiting St Mary’s Church as part of the curriculum theme ‘Our Church School & Village’
- Wintershall visits with the whole school
- Singing Assemblies
- Messages in Assembly
- Whole School Ethos
- Christian values throughout the day
- Weekly RE/PSHE
- Behaviour code reflecting morals
- Core Value displays (focus on one value per half term)
- Highlighting the moral code of conduct in daily lessons
- Spectacular Days across age/ability groups
- Children participating in PTA events
- Clubs
- Participating in events/tournaments at other schools
- Mums/Dads participating in guided reading/school trips
- Stay ‘n’ Play in the Summer term
- Fundraising Events by our ECO school council
- Open Box Theatre Company
- Visits by musicians
- Visits to castles, museums etc.
- Christmas Productions
- Through our themes/topics
- Celebrating cultural ideas through our Spectacular days
- Integrating drama into the curriculum